It’s important to us that you are completely clear from the outset the way in which we will deliver our services to you. If you are planning to join The Littlest Learners, (“the Membership”) then you must read these terms and conditions in full prior to purchasing.

Membership Terms: Key Details

The terms cannot be varied and in proceeding to purchase the Membership you will be deemed to have accepted these terms. The terms and conditions set out below apply to the services offered by The Littlest Learners. Please read them carefully as they affect your rights and liabilities under law and set out the terms under which The Littlest Learners (“we”, “our” or “us”) provide services to you, as purchaser of the membership. These terms are subject to any rights you have under consumer law to which we are bound and which cannot be waived by contract.

Membership Outline

The Littlest Learners is a membership platform for parents and caregivers looking for ways to support their child’s development through play. The membership is an ongoing commitment where you can find ideas to support your child as they grow.

The aim is to provide toy and activity recommendations that follow the different stages of a child’s development. These recommendations are research backed and tested based on our experiences with our own children, but we are not child development specialists. Our age group categories refer to developmental abilities rather than toy safety, so always follow the manufacturer's age guidelines and make sure to supervise play if your child is under the manufacturers recommended age.  Activities should also be supervised by an adult, and caregivers should assess whether the child is developmentally ready for each activity. Every child is unique and develops at their own pace and our age categories are for guidance only.

Membership Specifics

There are five elements to the membership:

i)                    Toy recommendations

ii)                   Activity ideas

iii)                 Members blog

iv)                 Discount codes from brand & retail partners

v)                  Private Facebook Group

Private Facebook Group

You will have access to a private Facebook to support you during the Membership. The intention of the Facebook group is to provide community support and a network of like minded parents who are facing similar challenges.

From time to time, Sharon may post and offer support in the Facebook Group but there is no guarantee that posts will be responded to immediately or that any Facebook mailboxes will be monitored.

Please be advised that whilst we hope that you will be able to utilise the Facebook group, we make no guarantees as to the availability of the group and/or the content within the group at any time.


It is requested that at all times your behaviour towards others is polite and respectful. We will not be held responsible for the behaviour or actions of any other members. Should your behaviour be deemed offensive or inappropriate we reserve the right to remove you from the membership with immediate effect.



The aim of the membership is to help you foster a love for learning through play. We provide age-appropriate toy recommendations and activity ideas to help stimulate and engage your children while building important skills. Each child is unique and develops at their own pace - our age categories are for guidance only. If you have any concerns about your child’s development, please consult a medical professional.

Children should always be supervised when playing with toys if they are under the manufacturer's recommended age. They should also be supervised at all times when exploring any of our activity ideas. 

We make no guarantees that your child will love every toy or activity we recommend. Every child has their own interests, and parents should observe what these interests are before selecting toys and activities that will help expand and build on these interests.

All information provided will be general information and guidance and will not be bespoke advice. We are not responsible for any accuracy of any information provided, and any action or inaction which you take as a result of the information within the membership. We are not responsible for any injury, allergic reactions or harm that may occur when using the toys or carrying out the activity ideas.

No content in this membership should be construed as medical advice, whether mental or physical. If you believe that you require medical attention you should seek assistance from a medical professional immediately.

We ask that all members in the membership respect the rights of others in respect of their behaviour and privacy. We will not be responsible for the action of any members including for any disclosures made by any members based on information which has been shared within the membership.


Contact and Schedule

It is the intention that the membership will run continuously. Throughout the membership we will be available by email Monday to Friday between 10am - 5pm GMT not including weekends and bank holidays via hello@thelittlestlearners.com, and will respond as soon as possible and within 72 hours during the hours stated.

You may see us post on social media outside of our core hours. Not all of these posts are live and some will be pre-scheduled. We are passionate about supporting everyone in the membership and where we can, we may respond to you out of hours, but we make no guarantees that this will always be possible.

Payment Terms

The cost of the membership is set at the time you subscribe. On subscription you will agree to monthly payments via Stripe which will be taken on the same day each month.

The membership subscription is entirely flexible. Once you have paid your monthly fee you will gain access to all of the membership benefits. Should you wish to cancel you can do so through your customer account or by sending us an email. Should you seek to cancel the subscription close to the billing period renewal date you may still be charged for a further month during which you can continue to use the benefits of the membership. Once annual memberships are cancelled, your membership will not be automatically renewed, and you will be able to continue accessing the members area until this time.

Privacy and Confidentiality

Your privacy and protection of your personal data is important to us. Your personal data is protected as set out in our privacy policy.

We utilise Mailchimp to manage our communications with you and from time to time may utilise the Facebook Pixel analytics tool.

During the course of the membership you may have access to confidential information, in particular the personal affairs of others in the membership. In accepting these terms, you agree that you will not use or disclose to any person, organisation or company, and shall use your best endeavours to prevent the publication of any confidential information relating to any other member.  

You accept that any unauthorised disclosure of personal or confidential information belonging to another may amount to immediate dismissal from the Membership. Should you decide to leave the Membership then you remain bound by the confidentiality and privacy obligations.


Refunds and Cancellation

It is our aim that you will be completely happy with the Membership and find educational content and support. However, we appreciate that there may come a time when you wish to leave the Membership.

In accordance with Distance Selling Regulations, you have the right to cancel and obtain a full refund within 14 days from the date of subscription. Refund requests should be made in writing to hello@thelittlestlearners.com and a full refund will be provided within 14 working days.

There is no obligation on us to refund any amounts paid where cancellation requests are made following the 14 day cancellation period.

Should you wish to cancel your membership you can cancel at any time.

We reserve all rights to cancel the programme for any reason without prior notice.


Intellectual Property

During your time as a member you will be provided with the five Membership Specifics outlined above. At all times the intellectual property rights and copyrights connected with those materials remain with us. You have the right to use the materials as learning tools but you are not permitted to duplicate or provide copies to third parties. We retain and reserve all of our copyrights.



If you have a complaint about the membership this should be made to made in writing to Sharon at hello@thelittlestlearners.com



We intend to rely on the written terms set out in these terms and conditions for the services that we provide to you in delivery of the membership. These written terms shall constitute the entire agreement between us.

Should there be any conflict between these terms and any membership hosting platform or payment gateway, these terms shall prevail.

We may update these terms and conditions from time to time for legal or regulatory reasons or to allow the proper operation of your service. Any changes will be notified to you as soon as possible.

If any provision or part-provision of these terms and conditions is or becomes invalid, illegal or unenforceable, it shall be deemed modified to the minimum extent necessary to make it valid, legal and enforceable. If such modification is not possible, the relevant provision or part-provision shall be deemed deleted. Any such modification or deletion shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the rest of these terms and conditions.

These Terms are governed by the laws of England & Wales. The Courts of England & Wales have exclusive jurisdiction over any matter and proceedings arising out of the Membership.